Civilization vi april update
Civilization vi april update

civilization vi april update

  • Lautaro's unique ability Swift Hawk has been updated to have an additional effect: Pillaging an enemy city plot now causes that city to lose 5 loyalty.

  • Victoria's Pax Britannica ability now additionally awards a free melee class unit when constructing a Royal Navy Dockyard in a city founded on a foreign continent.
  • Ecommerce gives +2 Production and +5 Gold for all your Trade Routes (was +5 and +10 but only for international Trade Routes).
  • Public Transport gives 100 Gold per Appeal when replacing a Farm with a Neighborhood (was 50).
  • Military Research gives +2 Science from Military Academies, Seaports, and Renaissance Walls (was +1 and did not include Renaissance Walls).
  • Democracy: Production per district from 2 to 1.
  • Overall Production bonus from 10% to 15%.
  • Communism: Bonus Production per population from.
  • Governor Magnus Groundbreaker ability reduced from +100% to +50%.
  • Pingala's Librarian ability now provides +15% Science and Culture in the city (was +20%).
  • Added 3 new graphs for Rise and Fall games Era Score, Total Governors, and Total Governor Titles.
  • civilization vi april update

    World's First National Park Founded (+4 Era score).World's First Seaside Resort (+3 Era score).World's First City with 25 Population (+2 Era score).First City with 25 Population (+1 Era score).First Water Park Fully Developed with all buildings (+3 Era score).First Entertainment Complex Fully Developed with all buildings (+3 Era score).First Encampment Fully Developed with all buildings (+3 Era score).First Aerodrome Fully Developed with all buildings (+3 Era score).World's First Shipwreck Excavated (+3 Era score).First Shipwreck Excavated (+2 Era score).Adding 12 new Historic Moments, focused on mid to late game.Leader screen makes it clear that war declaration is part of a joint war.Joint War now requires one party to have denounced the enemy for 5 turns.Trade screen allows Casus Belli to be chosen when declaring a Joint War.Players can now ask other players or AI to join wars they are already in.

    Civilization vi april update